Remedial Courses
Remedial courses do not carry degree credit and are not included in the total cumulative attempted credits or earned credits for determining pace of progression. However, credit-bearing developmental/compensatory courses would be included in the cumulative earned and/or attempted credit totals for determining pace.
Withdrawals will be included as cumulative attempted credits and will have an adverse effect on a student’s ability to meet the maximum time frame and quantitative standards. Unofficial withdrawals (WU) count against cumulative GPAs and can adversely effect the qualitative measure.
Incomplete Grades
Courses with incomplete grades are included as cumulative attempted credits. Failure to resolve an incomplete grade within the published time frame may result in a ‘failure to complete’ (FIN) grade, which is counted in your cumulative GPA and may affect the qualitative standard.
Repeated Courses
Repeated courses are counted against the three (3) SAP standards. The College’s amnesty policy (known as 3-repeat) for repeated coursework is separate from SAP standards.
Transfer Credit
Accepted transfer credits are evaluated against the quantitative and maximum time frame SAP standards.
Readmitted Students
There is no amnesty policy for students who had a gap in enrollment. Financial Aid Services evaluates students’ entire academic history.
Second-Degree Students
Credits accepted into the second-degree program will be counted toward the quantitative and maximum time frame standards.
Change of Major
Students who change majors within the same degree must complete the degree within the maximum time frame.
Change of Degree
If a student changes his or her degree objective and pursues a different degree, that student must complete the degree within the maximum time frame.