Contact Us
Financial Aid Services is pleased to offer support to our students. Our website contains information that may answer your concerns so click around!
Bernie Bot
Bernie Bot is our interactive chat-bot on the bottom right of this page. Students are encouraged to interact with him as he can answer general questions you may have regarding federal student aid.
Baruch One Stop Shop (BOSS)
For in-person and virtual federal student aid counseling, the Baruch One Stop Shop (BOSS) is open! Click here for more information on hours of operation and location.
E-mail Us
We regularly communicate with our students at their Baruch e-mail account so be on the look-out for important information from us.
If you need to send us an e-mail, general inquiries can be sent to Please include your name, CUNYfirst EMPLID, and your question(s). Do not attach documents or forms. Note that depending on e-mail traffic, it may be several days before your e-mail is answered.