Eligible students may borrow up to $20,500 (or within your
Cost of Attendance) per award year.
Interest accrues during your enrollment. At least half-time enrollment per semester is required. There is an origination fee deducted from your federal loan amount prior to the disbursement. For the current origination fees, click
Instructions on how to obtain a Federal Direct Loan are below:
Eligible students who have exceeded their maximum federal unsubsidized loan amount of $20,500 (or have exhausted their lifetime usage of $138,500) and need additional funds to meet their Cost of Attendance (COA) may
apply. First-borrowers (or borrowers with an expired MPN) must complete a
PLUS Master Promissory Note (MPN). A credit check will be performed during the application process.
To increase or decrease your Graduate PLUS loan, you must resubmit an application here. For increases, select “New” as the reason for submitting your application and enter the additional amount you wish to borrow. For decreases, select “Change” as the reason for submitting your PLUS application followed by the previous Loan Reference Number you wish to modify.
To cancel your Graduate PLUS loan, please submit a Direct Loan Change form. Your Baruch username and password will be required to login.
If it is determined you have an adverse credit history, you may obtain an endorser or appeal the decision with the U.S. Department of Education. Your endorser or appeal must be approved to continue the application process. Students with adverse credit must complete PLUS Credit Counseling.
Graduate and professional students are eligible to participate in the Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program. For more information on eligibility, visit the
Federal Work-Study page.
For graduate assistantships, fellowships, and scholarships, please contact the prospective graduate program that you will attend.
CUNY does not retain a preferred alternative/private lender list. We encourage students to conduct research independently. Eligibility for alternative/private loans depends on your/your cosigner’s credit score and other financial obligations.