Viewing Your Course Placements
View Your Placement Service Indicators
View Your Placement service indicators are issued on CUNYfirst when English and/or Mathematics courses are assigned to students. While CUNYfirst may display these service indicators under “Holds“, they are NOT HOLDS and DO NOT IMPACT students’ ability to conduct registration activities or transactions.
The View Your Placement service indicators are automatically removed at the end of the Course Registration Period.
Viewing Course Placements on DegreeWorks
Please note that it may take up to 72 hours for your profile on DegreeWorks to be refreshed to reflect your placement.
You may view your course placements in English and/or Mathematics via your DegreeWorks, the Student Advisement Degree Audit system by using the following steps:
- To access DegreeWorks, go to
- If prompted, enter your CUNY Login (also known as your CUNYFirst Credentials)
- If prompted, select DegreeWorks under Baruch College
- Locate the Student Group/Indicator section of your Degree Audit
- Course Placements codes are 4 characters and begin with either E, I, M, N or S
- English Course Placement Codes begin with E, I or N
- Mathematics Course Placement Codes begin with M, I, N or S.
- Use the following tables below to determine your placement(s)
Course Placement Student Groups
If You Have either the UPDATED – ENG Course Placement or UPDATED – MTH Course Placement Service Indicator
These service indicators indicate that your CUNYFirst profile has been recently updated with additional information. As a result, your English or Mathematics course placement was modified.
While CUNYFirst may display the View Your Placement service indicator under “Holds”, they are NOT HOLDS and DO NOT IMPACT students’ ability to conduct registration activities or transactions.
You may view your updated placement by following the instructions above.