Conflict Examinations
The Baruch College Office of Testing and Evaluation administers Conflict Examinations during the Spring and Fall final examination periods.
Pursuant to the College’s Rules and Regulations, students who meet any of the following conditions are eligible to apply for the conflict session:
- have two or more examinations at the same time; or
- have three or more examinations on the same calendar day; or
- a Baruch College student who is enrolled in an approved permit course outside of Baruch College and provides official documentation that the course final from the other (host) institution is on the same calendar day as their Baruch College final examination; or
- a Non-Baruch College (visiting) student who is enrolled in an approved permit course at Baruch College and provides official documentation that the course final from their other (home) institution is on the same calendar day as their Baruch College final examination.
Fall 2024 Final Examination Schedule
Fall 2024 Final Examinations at Baruch College will take place from Sunday, December 15, 2024, to Saturday, December 21, 2024. You can check the schedule for your classes on the Registrar’s webpage.
Please note that your exam date and time may differ from your regular class schedule, so it’s important to review the schedule carefully.
Department Wide Final Exam Sessions
Students enrolled in one or more of the following courses which have special department-wide sessions scheduled to take their final examination are strongly encouraged to review their examination schedules as these courses may cause a time conflict.
- ACC 2101 (Principles of Accounting)
- ACC 2203 (Principles of Managerial Accounting for Non-accounting Majors)
- ACC 3200 (Cost Accounting)
- CIS 2200 (Introduction to Information Systems and Technologies)
- ECO 1001 (Micro-Economics)
- ECO 1002 (Macro-Economics)
- FIN 3000 (Principles of Finance)
- LAW 1101 (Fundamentals of Business Law)
- MTH 1023 (Introduction to Information Systems and Technologies)
- MTH 1030 (College Algebra)
- MTH 2001 (Pre-Calculus)
- MTH 2003 (Pre-Calculus & Elements of Calculus 1A)
- MTH 2009 (Precalculus)
- STA 2000 (Business Statistics I)
How To Apply For Conflict Examination Sessions
Students who wish to avail themselves of this option should consult with their course instructors to submit requests for taking their final examination during the Conflict Examination Sessions.
All requests must be submitted via instructors or academic departments via their college issued employee email account. Once the request is received and processed, the Office of Testing and Evaluation will send the instructor instructions on how to submit their examination. Students will receive an appointment ticket with room and check-in instructions.
Please note that courses in the Stan Ross Department of Accountancy (ACC and TAX) and the Department of Mathematics (CSTM and MTH) are not eligible to be taken during the conflict examination session.
While the deadline to sign up for conflict examination sessions was Friday, December 6th at 2:30 PM, the Office of Testing and Evaluation is still accepting requests from members of the faculty and academic departments on a case-by-case basis.
For Fall 2024, no request forms will be accepted directly from students.
Information for Students with Conflicting Final Examinations On Either Incoming Or Outgoing Permits
In accordance with Baruch College policy a Baruch College student who is enrolled in an approved permit course outside of Baruch College and provides official documentation that the course final from the other (host) institution is on the same calendar day as their Baruch College final examination; or a Non-Baruch College (visiting) student who is enrolled in an approved permit course at Baruch College and official documentation that the course final from their other (home) institution is on the same calendar day as their Baruch College final examination.
Required Documentation
Course Registration
Students who are taking permit courses at another City University of New York (CUNY) campus, do not need to upload Course Registration documentation provided that their course registration is available within CUNYFirst.
Students who are taking permit courses at a non-City University of New York (non-CUNY) institution, or whose registration is not available via CUNYFirst, must present documentation that they are enrolled in the course. This documentation must include the following:
- School Name
- Student Name
- Course and Term Information
This documentation must be submitted to your instructor.
Final Examination Schedule
All students requesting a schedule accommodation due to a permit course, are required to submit official documentation of the final examination schedule for the course(s).
This documentation may include the following:
- The complete syllabus of the course (including the course schedule); or
- Official Final Examination Schedule for the institution; or
- A copy of the notice of the examination schedule from the institution’s learning management system; or
- An email message from the instructor (sent from their institution issued email account) that shows the instructor’s name, email address and the date and time of transmission.
This documentation must be submitted to your instructor.
* Maximum uploaded file size is 100 Megabytes
Conflict Examination Session Schedule
The schedule of the Conflict Examinations is determined by the Office of the Registrar (H-850) and will be posted on their website as part of the College’s Final Examination Schedule.
Fall 2024 Final Examination Conflict Sessions
Examination Sessions are 120 minutes and will be held on campus, subject to applicable health and safety protocols.
Day Session
Thursday, December 19, 2024, 1:00 PM
Evening Session
Thursday, December 19, 2024, 6:00 PM
* Room assignments will be provided to students with approved applications.
Examination Administration
The Office of Testing and Evaluation will administer the examinations to all approved conflict examination applicants and return the examinations to the academic departments at the end of the Conflict Examination periods.
Please note that the Office of Testing and Evaluation is only able to administer examinations to conflict applicants with approved applications and for whom the faculty or department have submitted examinations.
Office Update
The Office of Testing and Evaluation is currently providing academic and student support services in person and remotely.
You may visit our office or utilize our Virtual Office service.
Official Schedule of Final Examinations
The Official Schedule of Final Examinations is determined by the Office of the Registrar (H-850) and will be posted on their webpage.