Black Male Initiative
Through its focus on one of the most severely underrepresented populations in higher education, The City University of New York Black Male Initiative (CUNY BMI) represents one important expression of CUNY’s commitment to access and diversity. As a CUNY-wide initiative, CUNY BMI’s mission is to create model student development projects throughout the University that provide direct services to CUNY students in a coordinated effort that is intended to increase, encourage, and support the inclusion and educational success of students from groups that are severely underrepresented in higher education, in particular African, African American/Black, Caribbean and Latino/Hispanic males. Although CUNY BMI-funded projects target these under represented groups, no project supported by CUNY BMI will discriminate on the basis of race or gender and all projects will serves as models for improving educational outcomes for all students. More information on CUNY BMI.
CUNY BMI encompasses six specific areas strategic in increasing the enrollment of its target demographic groups. Therein; academic enhancements, socioemotional programming and cultural sensitivity and competence. The BMI commits itself to these ideals for the continuance of fulfilling its mission.