TAP Course Compliance
How many credits must I be enrolled in to meet Full-Time TAP eligibility?
How many credits must I be enrolled in to meet Part-time TAP eligibility?
Why did I receive a message regarding my TAP award?
Can I get TAP for repeating a course?
Can my TAP course compliance be audited if I have an incomplete transfer evaluation?
Why did I receive an email regarding my TAP Course Compliance?
How can DegreeWorks assist me in determining my course compliance?
What is FACTS?
How can I view my FACTS audit?
What steps can I take to prevent future issues with course compliance?
How can I restore my TAP award?
I am an AD-HOC major, should my courses be pre-approved?
Is there a deadline to declare or change my major or minor?
If I add/drop a course, will it impact my courses compliance?
If my courses are compliant, am I guaranteed to receive my TAP award?
Why do I need to follow TAP course compliance?
For how many semesters can I receive TAP?